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wu xing中文是什么意思

用"wu xing"造句"wu xing"怎么读"wu xing" in a sentence


  • 五行学说
  • 阴阳五行


  • An enquiry into the shen family in wu xing in later southern dynasty
  • President assistant of tientsin university comrade wu xing
  • From an empirical knowledge to a priory belief : the evolution of wu xing
  • Wu xing is one of the ancient lost confucian books of the ages before qin dynasty unearthed these years
  • Lumugong asks zisi 》 、 《 poor or reaching with the hour 》 、 《 wu xing 》 、 《 xing zi ming chu 》 、 《 liu de 》 《 yu cong 》
  • Words on those sticks are lunar year names which represents tian gan di zhi , and wu xing ( water , tree , gold , fire , earth ) . i guess they were used for suan gua
    竹/木条上面的字是农历天干地支的60甲子内的年份和五行(水,木,金,火,土) 。我猜它们是算卦或占卜用的。
  • The preface introduces the main features , the important value and the research situation of wu xing . the text is the main body of this paper formed by explanation , proofreading and translation
    本文分前言、正文、附录三部分:前言对简、帛本《五行》的基本情况、 《五行》的重要价值及研究状况作以简单评述。
  • Wu jun ( 469 - 520 ) , an writer and historian in the hang of the nan dynasty , began to be a secretary in wu xing at the beginning of tian jian , and later ranked as high as feng chao qing in the hang dynasty
    吴均, ( 469 - 520 ) ,南朝梁文学家、史学家。天监初,起家为吴兴主簿,官至梁奉朝请。史载生平著述颇丰,兼通文史。
  • Wu xing has two editions . the first is copied on silk unearthed from the third han mausoleum of ma wang dui in 1973 , the second is copied on bamboo slips unearthed from the first chu mausoleum of guo dian in october of 1993
    《五行》现有两种本子,即一九七三年出土於马王堆三号汉墓的帛书《五行》和一九九三年十月出土於郭店一号楚墓的竹简本《五行》 。
  • Based on the chu mausoleum bamboo edition of guo dian ? wu xing interpretation and the ancient lost books on the back of the first volume of the silk edition < lao zi > of the han mausoleum of ma wamg dui , this thesis has collated wu xing using the traditional method such as character , phonology and gloss in order to provide a more convenient useful edition for scholars . this paper includes preface , text and appendix
用"wu xing"造句  


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